
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

First half of my 3rd pregnancy journey

The first trimester was a little rough. It felt similar to Sloane's pregnancy. I had morning sickness all through the night several nights, and several headaches. I started having fainting-type symptoms, which I also had during Sloane's, which ended up in me taking extra iron for low hemoglobin and RBCs. I have felt so much better with the extra, and it has even changed my energy a bit. I am grateful! This is an adventure with 2 active kiddos that don't nap or rest very often, haha! I have to remind myself to slow down and take it easy but all is good! 

12 week ultrasound

The kids have done great and tagged along to all the appointments. They love seeing baby! This was getting breakfast after our first ultrasound appointment to celebrate!

We had a bit of a scare around 16 weeks. We'd been outside all afternoon playing, and Oakley decided to take a bath. I was getting him out and slipped. He was going down and I was trying to protect him from getting hurt. I ended up falling on my stomach on the edge of the bath. It was scary! I had some cramping, so we decided to go to the ER to make sure the placenta hadn't detached and there wasn't any bleeding. A friend and my sister came to help out with the kids which was a blessing. After an intense silent ultrasound, which Mike wasn't able to come back for. All was ok. It was sure scary though. I remember saying to Mike, it's sure crazy how much you love this tiny little babe that you've never even met before. I remember this verse going through my head while we waited. Psalm 23:4- Even though I walk through darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. So thankful for the comfort of scripture and truth through scary unknown times. 

We had our anatomy ultrasound around 19 weeks. The kids had been going back and forth about whether babe was a girl or a boy. It was fun to take them along to find out! Little baby looked good, and we found out it is a BOY!!! We are excited to add another boy to our crew! He will have a blast with Oakley!! Can't wait to see what the future brings, and the possibility of having 2 boys on the same sports team! We are so grateful for this little blessing!! 

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